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Embark Canine

About Us

Embark Canine is an animal care business that strives to help owners with their every day care of their animals. Life can get crazy at times, and it can be difficult to fit in your furry friends much needed walk or play time. Whether work is taking up your schedule, sports are taking up your free time, or physical health makes it difficult to take care of your pet, We are here to help! 


Our staff always treats our clients pets as if they are our own. It is just as enjoyable for us as it is for your furry friend! We pride ourself in our connection with our clients, and their pets. We would love for you to join our pack today!



Our Mission at Embark Canine is to provide the best service possible to our customers and the best care possible for their pets! Often we hear about how busy people are, and how they feel bad they can't find the time to stop home during the day to take care of their pets. Our mission is to alleviate that stress for our clients, and provide fun, safe, and healthy care for their pets.


Embark Canine opened in later 2021, and has been growing since! Our vision is to great a community revolved around kindness, fun, and safety for our all of our furry friends! We want to build a community where everyone can be included, whether that is privately or in a group settings with other clients. Our goal is to provide a community where owners can go with their questions, concerns, and knowledge! 

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